Corporate governance

Pastoral values

Creative ability
Entrepreneurial spirit

The industry's first "compliance officer" company

Any violation of the law was not allowed in the herd; for this reason, shepherd initiated the compliance program". The objective of the compliance program is to enable each employee to understand the company's ethical values and to comply with legal policies and to carry out every task. Shepherd headquarters has appointed a compliance officer (Chief Compliance Officer) to become the first company in the industry to set up such a position. The compliance officer is primarily responsible for ensuring that the compliance plan is implemented consistently within the scope and that the inspector's regional compliance coordinator works. The implementation of the compliance scheme fully demonstrates the commitment of shepherd to the pursuit of honest business conduct.

The compliance hotline opened

Muller believes that in many cases, timely advice can prevent violations. If applicable to the behavior of employees, and the legal question, or that may be illegal operation of the working environment, each employee can from his / her superiors and the relevant departments, the human resources department to seek advice and help. In addition, shepherd also opened a special "compliance hotline", each employee can call the "hotline hotline" in the work time, access to advice and help.
Our clients may reflect on our staff if they feel dissatisfied with the way we work.
Muller's "compliance hotline" number is +86 57680735360
Employees and customers can report the information anonymously and submit it to the Department of health compliance hotline, which is evaluated by the head office staff.